Sunday 3 July 2011

Rock Your Body 'Til Canada Day!

July 1st was Canada Day!  What is Canada Day? Canada Day is the national day of Canada, a federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North America Act (today called the Constitution Act, 1867), which united three British colonies into a single country, called Canada, within the British Empire. Originally called Dominion Day, the name was changed in 1982, the year that Canada gained full independence from the United Kingdom. (Thank you Wikipedia!!!)

When I first heard of Canada Day, I asked a guy here if it was like the US's Independence Day. His response: "You Americans...always FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!"  It wasn't said in a mean way at all...he was just giving me a hard time. But the other American at Cargill quickly responded, "Well, you didn't have to fight...they just gave you away!" I guess I need to work on my witty comebacks!

From what I hear, Canada Day is celebrated similarly to Independence Day. There are fireworks...for those that stay up until it gets dark enough to see them. We actually heard them going off as we were going to bed at 10:30!

We celebrated by going to Dan and Gayleen's (one of Casey's co-workers) fondue party!  We had a blast...and Brogan had a few kiddos to play with that totally wore him out. And on the way home, Brogan said, "It was fun eating outside, hey?" That might be our fondest Canada Day memory!!!  Can't wait to hear how he talks in 3 years when we head back to the states!

Other weekend activities:  We took a picnic dinner to Jazz Fest downtown Saturday evening. We were hoping to catch Arrested Development, but had to get the kids home and in bed. We did get to hear De La Soul and two other bands. Brogan had a great time running races and dancing to the music (funny little video below...he's got some interesting dance moves!).  He got a really cool airbrush tattoo and got to try slacklining.  It was a beautiful much fun!!!  I think Casey and I agree that it was the best time we've had here. 

On Sunday, we took trips to the dog park and spray park. Sunday night was the first Roughriders game of the year, so we grilled and planned on watching the football game (it was not a good game for the Riders though).

Casey has Monday off...not for the 4th, but because he is having his knee scoped. I will have to follow up with a blog post on that one since many people are interested in the social healthcare up here.

Canada Day wasn't our first Canadian holiday. The Monday before Memorial Day in the states was Victoria Day in Canada (referred to as May Long Weekend). I asked several people what Victoria Day was and they all very unconvincingly said it was a celebration of the Queen's birthday (Wikipedia later confirmed). I would have to say it was pretty uneventful...particularly for us since Casey had to go in to work to shut down the plant (on his day off!). It was also the day after my mom and Scott flew home...I was not a happy camper!

It seems like most of the Canadian holidays are right around the same time as other US holidays...although they don't always celebrate the same things.  I would consider Canada Day and Independence Day very similar, and I'm assuming that Labour Day is the same as Labor Day; however, Victoria Day and Memorial Day are nothing alike even though they are just a week apart. The weirdest holiday for us may be October!!!