Sunday 6 November 2011

Farewell to Fall

Today in Saskatoon, we got our first measurable snow.  November 6th, and we got 3-4 inches of snow.  I had checked the weather forecast which called for snow flurries but no mention of accumulating snow!  So I was very shocked when my friend Lisa asked me (on Facebook) what I thought of the snow.  I had been up for almost 2 hours and hadn't noticed.  But in my defense, it was still pretty dark outside.

So, I thought I would post about our first fall in Saskatoon...all 4 weeks of it. (I exaggerate...let's call it 6 weeks.)

My last post was pictures of our trip to the pumpkin patch and Berry Barn on October 8th.  I think that leads us almost straight to Halloween!  Halloween seemed to last a long time this year!  A local flower nursury, Dutch Growers, has a pumpkin maze that is VERY popular.  Brogan got to go on a field trip there with his preschool class and then we went again with some friends.  He had a blast and can't wait to do it again next year.

Brogan with his preschool class at Dutch Grower's Pumpkin Maze

Brogan popping his head out of the maze

Brogan's face matches his shirt
Neala hanging out in the straw bales 
Brogan and Neala at the pumpkin maze with friends
Top Row: Damien, Sophia, Beth, Owen, Mason, Lil
Bottom Row: Brogan, Neala, Izz

We decided to carve those pumpkins we bought at the pumpkin patch which lead to much drama in the house.  Brogan didn't want to get his hands dirty and said that the pumpkin guts smelled bad.  There was lots of crying, kicking, and screaming...which lead to some very funny photos!

Pumpkin gut look cool...

...but smell really bad...

...and there's no way I'm using my hands!

Brogan happy with the finished product (and even said they smelled "delicious")

We took the kids to the Pirate and Princess Fancy Dress Party.  It was expensive and pretty lame, but we got these cute photos of the kids from a photographer there.  That was pretty much the highlight of the "Party".
Neala the Mermaid

Superman Brogan
 Brogan had Miss Spider Tea Party at school and got to dress up in costume. 

Brogan's class all dressed up
Older kids came and helped them make these cool spider hats
 Then there is the official Halloween trick-or-treating...Brogan was SO excited and then lasted about 45 minutes.  We live in a great neighborhood with lots of kids, so almost everyone had their lights on.  Neala and I joined Casey and Brogan for about 20-30 minutes before we headed home to hand out treats.  In the 45 minutes that Brogan was out, he managed to fill his pumpkin.  I think everyone was just a little cold.

One quick picture on our way out the door

Brogan doing his best Superman pose

Brogan did get to help Casey rake leaves and boy did he have a good time.  

Love this picture...looks like Brogan is flying or something

Playing in the pile

 And now the present state of Saskatoon...covered in snow.  That large pile of leaves...still sitting under the snow.  I was mildly depressed when I saw it...Brogan was jumping up and down...Casey fell down the stairs.  But it's something we are going to have to get used to because while this round might go away, another round is waiting right around the corner.  Brogan and Casey did get to go out and play for awhile...enjoying the snow before it's -40.  The driveway is shoveled and both cars are in the garage!

Brogan and Casey's snow angels

And a quick update about Neala who is turning 10 months old tomorrow!!!  She is crawling everywhere, standing up, and pushing toys around.  Her newest trick is clapping and giving five.  She has three teeth...working on number 4.  She loves feeding herself...even screams for more food.  I have been thinking a lot lately of those first days in the hospital and at home remembering how quiet she was...her cry was so pitiful!  Now I know that those lungs just weren't fully developed yet because now she can shriek some ear-piercing noises that could shatter glass.  I have two loud, chatty kids...never quiet in this house!  We are still working on hair...believe it or not, it really is starting to come in and thicken up.  Hard to believe she will be 1 in just 2 months!!!

Neala starting a new fashion trend (or just undressing herself)