Saturday 30 June 2012

Summer far

So far, our summer seems to to have been taken over by Brogan's sports.  For a few weeks, he had swimming lessons, ice skating lessons, and soccer overlapping, but soccer has definitely taken over!  This was Brogan's first U6 soccer experience where he got to play in real games (but of course they don't keep score).  They play 3-on-3 which gives the kids a lot of opportunity to get in on the action.  Brogan is a little timid, but loves playing.  By the end of the season, everyone on his team had improved and the games got quite physical!  Brogan got pretty good at dribbling the ball down the field and even scored a goal!  He was very proud of himself!  At the end of the season, he got two medals and he likes showing them to everyone!  Soccer is done until the fall, but ice skating lessons start back up next week!
Brogan getting in on the action

The Silverspring Lions

Brogan in his uniform

Neala was always there to bring Brogan his water bottle and provide support during the games!

In May, Brogan "graduated" from preschool.  He is looking forward to kindergarten and asks me all the time when he gets to go to school.  Thankfully, he has several summer camps and trips planned to pass the time until September!

Brogan and his teacher Mrs. Simpson
The weather hasn't been as beautiful this summer as it was last year.  It's been mostly cool and rainy (quite the opposite of the weather back home).  Just this past week, we had an interesting weather day...winds were sustained at 45 miles/hour with gusts up to 75!  There was tree debris everywhere and the shingles were flying off of our roof.  Power was out all across town, but we were lucky to keep ours.

We've managed to have some fun outside playing in the backyard and hanging out at the spray park down the street on the days that it has been nice.  We even met up with some friends at the Children's Festival.  I'm hoping eventually it starts feeling like summer here, so we can enjoy the outdoors more! 

Brogan and Neala enjoying the playground in the backyard

Brogan planting a sunflower seed at the Children's Festival

Neala digging for fossils at the Children's Festival

Neala enjoying the sand in the backyard

The kids love the doesn't like the clean up

Neala drinking the spray park
More exciting things to come from Canada...we just got home from a trip to the Canadian Rockies in Alberta and I think it deserves it's own post!

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