Wednesday 9 January 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Neala!

We celebrated Neala's 2nd birthday a day early since Casey was leaving to go out of town on a business trip on her birthday (what a bad daddy!).  Neala has been very excited about her birthday...telling everyone that she is going to be 3.  Already wanting to be older than she really is and I'm not ready for that!
Seeing as I am 9 months pregnant, I was not up for a huge party, but wanted to make the day special.  We invited our friends, the Dechkas, to join us at the Fun Factory so our kids could play together.  Izzy and Brogan are best buds and Neala and Lil are finally getting to a stage where they play well together, although I think Neala might scare Lil a bit!  Casey was left in charge of running around after the four of them...what a great guy!!!  Maybe there was some guilt there leaving his baby girl on her birthday.
Brogan and Neala going down the rolly slide

Crazy Mirror!!!

Ball Fight!!!

Casey and Neala peeking up at Brogan and Izzy


Brogan too!!!
This girl is CRAZY flexible!  And she eventually made it up there!
Slushy Cheers to Neala's Birthday!

After the Fun Factory, we had a birthday dinner at our house followed by cake and presents.  Neala, of course, had to get naked ("naken" in her vocabulary).  It's her new "thing" and it is very hard to get clothes on her once she takes them off.  There is usually kicking and screaming involved.  Thankfully, she only gets "naken" at far.  Neala enjoyed her cake, but not as much as her 1st birthday.  And she loves opening presents now!!!  She had a great birthday party!

Neala's cake...she loved the balloons

My silly, silly girl and her cake

Only minor frosting coverage this year, but the frosting stained her skin a bit

Neala loves her backpack from MeMa and PePa!

The bathtub Care Bear was also quite popular

Neala modeling the dress that she got from the Dechkas (Brogan was helping)
I have to admit that I am not looking forward to 2.  Neala is very stubborn and has to do things her way.  She is so irrational at times, and there is no talking her down.  It's like she turned 2 and the "terrible" switch got flipped. (I'm really hoping it's just because she misses her daddy!)  But she is still very sweet and cuddly which makes up for all the terrible two tantrums.  I think she's going to have a tough time coping with the addition to the family in a couple weeks, but maybe she will surprise me...

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